The most relevant matter in this discussion is privacy and confidentiality. Both privacy and confidentiality are critical in the healthcare system because a client’s data should not be bleached (Lopes-Júnior, 2021). It is unethical to reveal a patient’s information without their consent. A certified APRN is professionally obligated to safeguard a patient’s data while providing care (Contact term paper writers using this link).
1. What actions should be taken by APRNs to remain compliant with local and national practice regulations and reimbursement policies?
The first action should be to apply for and obtain a license. For APRNs to serve in medical institutions and remain effective in their line of work, the state and local authorities demand a license from them (Lopes-Júnior, 2021). The second action to take is to train consistently. APRNs’ objective is to remain competitive in their job positions. Therefore, they require more knowledge and expertise to maintain their job posts. As a result, they can promote patient-based values to achieve patient gratification. The local and state laws demand integrity and reliability at work (Hire Dissertation writer experts).
2. If you are a healthcare administrator, what is the role of an organization in providing access to telehealth services to the community?
In this case, the organization has two roles: supporting telehealth practices and services and advancing education on health. Through supporting practices and services, the wellness programs facilitate telehealth practices to reach a large population (Integration of telehealth into contemporary pharmacy practice, 2022). As a result, this allows the public to engage easily in accessing services where they can benefits. A healthcare director should drive the healthcare system to promote and educate the public about telehealth benefits. Such information assists in creating awareness about telehealth treatment among the public. Therefore, the public must access such aid, while the organization must deliver such information.
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