Find out what Pharaonic temples can be visited during your vacation in Luxor, starting from the Karnak Temple Complex on the western bank to the temples of the eastern bank with luxury Luxor Private day tour from Soma bay Egypt.
- Karnak Temple.
- Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III
- Luxor Temple
- The Temple of Abydos
- The Temple of Esna
- The Funerary Temple Of King Thutmose III
- Temple of Al-Toud
- The Temple of Ramesseum
- Temple of Al-Shalweit
- Medinet Habu Temple
- Temple of Seti I
- Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut
- Funerary temple of Merenptah.
- The Temple of KomOmbo
- Kalabsha Temple
- Temple of Edfu
- Temple of Abu Simbel
- The Temple of Philae
- The unfinished obelisk
The unfinished obeliskone day trip to visit Aswan Tourist AttractionsOne of the most important archaeological sites of the beautiful city of Aswan, the hard stone city ,the land base is granite, even the Egyptians called this stone Swan, which could be the reason to call this city Aswan
Through the quarry of the well-known stone is a very well-known obelisk, which was
Created and ordered by Queen Hatshepsut (1508 _1458 b.c ) . (ruler of Egypt after her few years charring with her half-brother king Tutmosis ll before his disappearing, in the same time she ignored her young step son who was known by king Tutmosis III later and put him a way into an interior military school for many years to get for herself the throne of this great kingdom of Egypt)
while the queen had two great obelisks by the well-known Karnak temple, she wanted to add a massive one to her achievements, some historians see in her throne conflict against her step son King Tutmosis lll a big affecting on this action to prove how great she is and how long arm can she have.
For the same reason she gave an order to write a text on the lower part of her granite obelisk to tell that the 2 obelisks in el Karnak temple were cut and erected in just 7 months ,it is unbelievable to have them finished very soon like that , you may realize how long it needs to cut one of those obelisks if you see it standing by the temple ,
about the unfinished obelisk it is nearly a third larger than any ever-built Egyptian obelisk. When finished, it would have measured about 42 meters and weighed nearly 1,090 tons which is equivalent to about 200 African elephants.
The creators of the obelisk began to carve it directly out of the rock, but cracks appeared in the granite and the project was abandoned. The underside of the obelisk is still attached to the ground.
Some historians related the crack to a step called the quality test as they wanted to know how strong and hard rock it was .
The unfinished obelisk offers unusual insights into the ancient Egyptian stone-working techniques, with traces of work tools still clearly visible and ocher-colored lines on which they work.
In addition to the unfinished obelisk, an unfinished, partially worked obelisk base was discovered in 2005 in the quarries of Aswan.
In addition, some petroglyphs and remains have been discovered that may correspond to the site where most of the famous obelisks were made. All these quarries in Aswan and the unfinished objects are an open-air museum and are officially protected by the Egyptian government as an archaeological site.
Thousands of tourists come every year to see this huge body of a single granite rock, and the remains of the transportation water canal which was connected to the Nile to transport what they cut by the rest of the year during the flood season using the high level and fast speed of the water
It was more than a hard job than anyone can imagine
When you visit Aswan, you realize how this nature challenge was.
New discoveries in Egypt March 26, 2019:
The mission of the Ministry of Antiquities and the Swedish University of Lund, located in the Jabal al-Sililah area, was discovered in Aswan, the main port used to transport the stones.
March 28, 2019: The mission of the American University of New York in the area of Abidos revealed the hall of Ramses II palace attached to his temple in Abydos, and the stones of the inauguration and establishment of the temple.
April 1, 2019: The mission of the Ministry of Antiquities in Qweisna area of Menoufia revealed a limestone coffin with a mummy and golden chips.
5 April 2019: A cemetery from the Ptolemaic period of a man and his wife containing human remains and a collection of birds and animals buried in the Diabat region of Sohag governorate.
13 April 2019: The mission of the Ministry of Antiquities in Saqqara discovered the cemetery of Nabeel Khoui, which dates back to the end of the fifth Dynasty.
April 18, 2019: The mission of the Ministry of Antiquities in Luxor discovered a cemetery in the area of Abu Naga’s arm, belonging to the family 18 and two in the Alasasif area, dating back to the Ramesses.
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